Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Women are NOT Victims

As some men 'grow' in the complicated world of relationship he will be told that he is the reason for the way some women behave and respond under stressful relationship situations e.g. refer to a man as a dog when in fact female allowed him to be a dog with female.

While agree that man (male), in general, is the reason for so much strife and that he has made extremely damaging decisions that have negatively affected the entire planet e.g. war, slavery, and so much more - I am not prepared to declare any longer that men are the reason for Ms. Victim to be in Victim Status. As a male friend of 20 plus years told me, “You have allowed for women to manipulate you into making poor decisions regarding other friendships.” He is right…I have immediately taken the female’s side on occasion. When I should have investigated a little more. While this is a good approach in theory (come to the aid of the female) it has proven to be detrimental for me: What I have learned is Ms. Victim in her self-induced pain is overwhelmingly calculated and conniving. To the extent she will ruin a man’s reputation and stain his character as a result.

It is high time for some females to do everything possible to avoid the pathetic Victim Room. It actually does not work with most men, The Woe is Me Syndrome. Many men have been known to exploit it. When I think about it with my caveman instinct, he should.

Many of us (men) begin to lose respect for women who play this Victim Card time after time. It is unattractive. It is deplorable. It has been the reason for so much drama! It causes men who are growing into positive maturity to avoid relationship during a valuable period in his life: His 40’s and 50’s (taken from a psychologist).

It is indication that Ms. Victim has issues that need to be addressed with a therapist.

-The Shadow Series


  1. Interesting that you should post this now. My aunt, cousin, and myself had a conversation about this just this past weekend. We actually came to an opposite conclusion. While playing the victim is in fact Disgusting, a good majority of men don't know how to deal with a woman who isn't doing it.
    Apparently women (especially black women) are supposed to be able to find the fine line between playing the victim and not being 'too independent or strong'. Awfully difficult to do when you've got a life to live. The choice appears to be sit around and wait for someone to save you or get busy saving yourself.

  2. I prefer independence and strength. Any evidence of the 'Victim' - and I out. I also prefer a LIFE OUTSIDE of me!

    -The Shadow
