Tuesday, December 11, 2012

The Greatest White Lie Every Told

This time of the year for me is an annoying reminder of the ruthless Caucasian Occupation of the mind, body and spirit. Images of a bleached Jesus, a pale-faced Santa Claus, and anorexic snowflake angels are oppressively overwhelming which disturbingly interrupt my days of solitude and truth. Actually, I have to force myself to enjoy Christmas…I literally deplore what this time of the year projects. 

Waking up to a lie each and every day during the holiday season does nothing of enhancement for the mental health of men, women, and children who are essentially forced to view and interface with The Greatest White Lie ever told. This cranium high-jacking includes Europeans…it gives white people a destructive sense of conscious and subconscious superiority that many have used to Imperialize the world. 

Life Magazine has an entire issue dedicated to the ‘understanding’ of a Jesus. The question featured on the cover, Who Do You Say That I am? is asked as if there is any dispute of Jesus’ identity among the countless people who have accepted the ignorance that’s plastered intensely during Christ-mas season. Even in the meaningful efforts to be culturally diverse, Christmas as a descriptive word has not been overshadowed by the inclusive term, Holiday which supports my belief that the United States of America is a Melting Pot in arrogant representation only; not in unpretentious reality. 

How can Holiday respectively replace Christmas when the artistic image of a Jesus Christ is European/Westernized? How can it change -bearing in mind- when the Jesus appellation is uttered most people Under the Banner of Western Evolution immediately -like clueless and spiritually prepared for slaughter sheep- think of a meekly white man…when these saintly lambs believe in the authority of an insecure protester with ‘occultist-like powers’. 

Isn’t it interesting that Jesus has been projected as docile…the total opposite of his Father? Consequently, this passive identification is another theme of mind manipulation imagery that has been accepted and emulated by people of color. And, the successfulness of this human atrocity spans all over the globe…the mother and children featured below are products of white missionary Expansionism. They tragically suffer daily - but struggle to acquire clean drinking water after praying for it for decades…never accepting that Jesus Christ has not saved them. 

Sadly, African Americans with immediate access to the truth continue to be robotic depositories for not only the Christ Lie but also for the Kris Kringle Lie…

The synthetic Santa and Catholic Church Christ is psychological manipulation that has permeated the psyche of God’s people. The successful effort was purposely twofold: 

The conniving men in control wanted celestial and central images of European life to be represented by what they saw every day when they looked in the mirror…

White skin is not only privileged, it is favored. 

Also, these men knew that the dumbfounded darker people of the world would feverishly flock to White when it was sanctioned by the white man’s religion, Christianity. 

The supremacy of the deceit is remarkable considering it was not slave bondage that permanently scarred black and brown people…Christianity is the eternal mutilation! Undoubtedly, Christianity was the worst Acceptance acquired by people of color. After the innocent Perception was seized by the Unbelievable, the only trickery remaining was to endorse other Unbelievables…

Santa Claus, the Resurrection, the Tooth Fairy, the Feeding of the Multitude - and any other ridiculous fabrication that white authority has approved will receive dutiful devotion by the masses of black people. Black people are that feeble…that lost…that merciful…that imprudent. 

Thus the reason, this current season is personally repulsive; and highlights the nauseating mental illness of not only African Americans – but of any fooled person with Jesus’ accurate skin tone,

The Shadow