Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Cheating: Could it be deserved?

"If we're going to point fingers at men behaving badly, we have to take a look at the women's behavior that may provoke it." -Wendy Atterberry


I like the way Atterberry addressed the topic. I am certain there are women reading who believe a man should NEVER cheat. However, some women are the impetus of the cheating. Yes, it is actually the female's fault in some cases.

-The Shadow

Monday, June 8, 2009

Is the Cookie Really that Precious?

The Shadow has been trying to understand something every since he started having sex. In order to not prolong your interest he will just jump right into it. Not into some booty but into a man’s ongoing dilemma:

Why in the world do women think that giving up there cookie/biscuit means that they have just ‘honored’ the selected man? Passed on a priceless artifact?

The Shadow does acknowledge that having sex supposedly means something more to females. Yeah, right! They may just be making that up so that they will not feel cheap.

The Shadow wants to put women on notice: Giving it up to a man may indicate something special to you – but it does not mean a damn thing to most men. Actually, men can care less about the complexities women may have experienced around making the decision to prop-up her legs or to get down on her knees and palm of her hands (just read some research that indicates that more women prefer The Doggie Style – so non-intimate).

The Shadow and his cohorts (other perplexed men) also are not thinking that they are ‘special’ because a young lady had sex with them. Men see it as two people that decided to behave like the animals that humans are. Unrestricted. In the flesh!

Honor and prestige are certainly not what men feel when the female leaves satisfied (MOST research suggests that women are RARELY satisfied with sex).

So my question, phrased in a more DIRECT way:

What is it about a woman’s vagina that elevates it to an exclusive category?

The Shadow would like for women to know that just because she had sex with a man it does not mean that he sees it as the best thing that has ever happened to him. Women must understand this! Men see it as another ‘piece’ that he got. An encounter. Not a multi-million dollar prize.

So, The Shadow concludes with a request:

Ladies, please know that the value of your cookie is not of extreme value to many men. If you value it that much I suggest you only give that platinum pu**y to He who is truly Worthy.

Written by The Shadow, the voice of men who want to be bluntly honest with his feelings.

*If I generalized too much for the men reading - my message to the men:

Please stop lying like you have never been the man I am speaking about.