Friday, October 18, 2013

Scandal's Scandal...

 October 17, 2013, 9:53PM 

As many of you (African American women) prepare to watch a TV show that features a black woman be a whore monger, I find it not only strangely interesting but shamefully perplexing that you are so captivated by a show that promotes an erosion of morality. Then again…I should not be so mind-fogged considering it is the female that made soap opera actors millionaires! Be of fact: The main character is a home wrecker...a relationship sabotager...a cheater...a 2-bit high dollar female disgrace. So I ask, does this show Scandal garner so much attention from black females (who are by personal admission and experience disgusted by adulterous affairs) induce some ridiculous sense of power that you have forfeited as a result of choosing the wrong man or lost because you have become the New Slave of Corporate America? Also in/with fact, Scandal would not be as popular if it featured a fine black man involved with a white woman who is married. African American women have always deplored the interracial relationship that features a black man sexing a white woman. Tiger Woods, Michael Jordan, Tiki Barber, even Blair Underwood has been bashed by black women because his new television series character is in relationship with a white woman. Are you, God's creation of decency, so mind emotionally handicapped that you will glorify what you truly despise? Where is the black feminist there would be if the situation/scenario displayed the opposite? I have said time and time again that African American women are beginning to take on male traits...the detrimental characteristics that demean and that will eventually destroy black male-female interactions and connections. Some of you, black female fans of Scandal, will blow off my critical commentary as nothing but a black man enraged by a beautiful black woman banging a white man. Some will say that I am being overly critical of a well-written and remarkably produced television show...that I am making my discomfort out to be more than what it is, a TV show that provides entertainment. But, I have also said that what’s praised is also a Want and a Desire…like the most wanted and desired boy in high school by the hot-in-the-pants girls is the Flunky…The Bad Boy…The Baby Boy type. Actually, this juvenileness plays itself out well beyond secondary school! By any chance do you, the queen of civilation, desire to be a slut - or are you that woman who was made into a slut by the most sought-after man? 

The Shadow