Thursday, March 22, 2012

Without all the Facts White has Always been Right

 All the KONY emails, post, tweets, and blogs. So, many people were all over that. The video that was assembled and produced by a white boy was one of the most watched social utility videos ever viewed. 84 million viewers on YouTube and COUNTING! 

KONY this KONY that...I got tired of those four letters. White people from all walks of life -especially the SAVE the BLACK WORLD fanatics- were all over it! They were highlighting the atrocities supposedly inflicted by an African warlord...a BLACK man. I use ‘supposedly’ because many of the voices of concern had no idea that Joseph Kony was indicted in 2005 by the International Criminal Court in The Hague…but has evaded capture since. They did not have all the facts, I am certain of that! 

Inconsequently, the white hearts are still bleeding. Why? Because they care? I do believe that they care, by the way. I do! 

However, my mind is troubled by the intensity of the attention that was given to one white guy's or a group of white sympathizer's account of so called deviant and devilish behavior without significant verification. Yes, there are Africans validating the misdeeds within the commentary. I am aware of that – but I wonder if one of the tree huggers and Peace & Love-types questioned the authenticity of the recorded stories of hell? 

There was IMMEDIATE condemnation of an African government trying to cover-up the so called crimes. The United States congress has stepped forward and issued a statement. They are actually trying to create a legal sanction to capture and/or kill Kony. Even more surprising, Sen. Jim Inhofe (R-Okla.) has publicly asked the entertainment industry’s famous to keep this in the forefront….considering us shallow Americans will listen to a Justin Bieber or a Chris Brown before we research the details of KONY. 

So, I ask after thinking and thinking about Trayvon…remember him? He should be our focus! 

How do we know that the information presented within the KONY video and the written KONY commentary is true? Why are we quick to believe the white the white boy's cause? Or, believe the criminal Court in The Hague? Actually, from my black man disposition - European and Western judicial systems are crooked. So corrupt that black men have been put to death with questionable ‘facts’. Remember, Troy Davis? 

Again, how do we know without doubt that the KONY info is precise? 

I will tell you why: 

Because white has always been RIGHT in the great US of A! If a white man says that it is true...It is true! It is that simple...We are falsely programmed to believe white over black...the black cat is evil and the white cat is heaven-sent!

Why are some white people questioning the facts that have been presented concerning a neighborhood watchmen shooting and killing a young black man? Why…?

One fact that I will not move from: George Zimmerman was instructed to stay put…to not exit his vehicle. That is a fact! And, the result would have been different…Trayvon would be somewhere in his neighborhood behaving as a kid: eating skittles while walking and wearing a hoodie. 

Why aren't they –the bleeding hearts- treating this as they treated KONY? You all know why...White is Right and Black is Wrong...just as the black cat is evil.

The Shadow

Friday, March 2, 2012

When Female Embraces Male’s Complexity

When Female psychologically absorbs Male’s ways in response to Male's philandering or Female’s inability to identify and secure a Male...When Male accepts his role reversal as the lustfully desired prey he in that detrimental decision to be what he was not created to be…he knowingly and unknowingly removes his Manhood. In this instant of role misfortune, Male and Female create an irreversible imbalance in God’s Creation and in Evolution's Future…this act of social readjustment renders regression. 
Simply put, the Natural Order becomes faulty…the universe begins to shift in a direction that will ultimately destroy the gender ethos of the Homo sapiens. We are distinctly different for a reason. Reproduction –no matter where we stand in the ongoing sexuality debate- is permanently linked to human’s purpose. Without copulation and without sperm latching to egg our existence is limited. Therefore, ending the world or intensifying anticipation for the long-awaited rapture. 

While the Male has positively contributed substantially to the world, Male remains seriously conflicted, chaotic and easily swayed to do wrong. In fact, he ponders wrong more than good. He, Male, on all accounts will disappoint not only himself – but he will eventually destroy the planets within his accessibility…there is pre-dated indication that He has already.
Male’s false prowess and inflated ego is the reason he wants to be the Prime Minister/President, the reason he beats his wife, the reason he is incapable of taming his children, and the reason he has on more than one occasion questioned his sexuality. Undoubtedly, as a preteen and teenager Male often wondered why he acquired an intense erection while wrestling with his homeboy. Not understanding that his penis at that stage of development would get hard with the slightest rub or touch.
All of this conflict certainly clouds his judgment. It creates cognizance and emotional instability. Consequently, harvesting what Male has: 


As I contemplate and live in complete confusion I ask, why would Female want to take on the characteristics of Male? The ever-popular Female rejection of lady-likeness is troubling! The increasingly popular nonchalant brute-like attitude that has Male written all over it is also disturbing considering Female has welcomed this crassness into her spirit. 

Are women so defeated that they have to become what they are not and should not be: 

The Male? 
Female must come back to Nature’s dictation…Female is the Flower, and not the Rock. Female must regain her rightful place. When that occurs we will be back within Tradition. 
Tradition never changes...people do!      

The Shadow