When a man gets hurt, truly hurt - his heart broken he is no good for a LONG time. So, Ladies, do your homework. Try to find out if the man ya with heart has ever been sliced. Mine has.
Men don't bounce back from a broken heart with ease. I speak from personal experience and from knowing a few guys who have been burned. We are not well! Well enough to be the man you need us to be. Time has to past...Years! I am on that path. Took a long time to admit that I was heart broken – and it has been on the bend for more than 7 years. Yeah…I know! ‘That long.’ Yes, that long! Some men have problems accepting that pain. It signals our weakness. We try to avoid revealing our weaknesses...as a result of growing up male: “Men ain’t supposed to cry!” By the way, one of the worst mistakes we can make as parents is when we forcefully tell our boys: ‘Stop crying. Be a man.’
I have accepted where I was and where I am at: Broken. Lame. The healing process is a hell - and no one should have to go through that pain with someone when the hurt person is dragging the mate down. The misery loves the company.
Don’t be that distraught man’s walking mat, Ladies. And, Hurt Men, be upfront about your emotional positioning. If she is still willing to be with you – deal with you – have sex with you; warn her again. And, when that involvement goes to hell – it will – re-reconsider stepping into another relationship as you are: Beat-up.
Truthfully, Brotha, you may want to try being alone. It is a good place to be if you are at least half way comfortable with yourself. Yeah, I know – you still have sexual needs. Masturbation, celibacy, safe sex with a prostitute (as safe as that can be) sure beats the drama that will evolve from your broken status. I, The Shadow, have been in this sickening drama one too many times. My unwillingness to be alone has destroyed so many pleasant unions!
In the end, fellas, you lose a female friend - and you add to the burning that so many women have to endure.
The Final Consequence:
Relationships Are Forever Strained
The Shadow